Whats the good word?

Shakespeare said “Whats in a name?” For the Boyzone, “Its only words”.

For the pediatric rheumatology community, 18th March of every year is celebrated as World yOung Rheumatic Diseases Day to help spread awareness about various rheumatological conditions afflicting children.

Starting this year, the Pediatric Rheumatology Society of India (PRSI) in association with the Indian academy of Pediatrics (CIAP), plans to introduce a new practice friendly “word” from the world of Pediatric rheumatology to the practising pediatrician on the 18th of every month over the next 2 years.

The aim of this exercise is to provide key practise points in office practice vis a vis common conditions/tests/treatment modalities, to help in early diagnoses, and a quick referral to specialised paediatric rheumatologists ensuring proper treatment and ultimately a better prognosis.

Proposed launch Date – 18th March 2023
